February 2, 2010

Ameesha Patel is single again

Amisha patel
Ameesha Patel has done it again. The actress broke-up with her current boyfriend Kanav Puri after making him wait for long for their possible marriage.

Kanav on the other hand, according to the sources, was fed up with Ameesha Patel's dilly dallying tactics and has also taken the break-up proposition seriously.

It's learnt that ever since Ameesha Patel reunited with her family she has been trying to focus on her career yet again. This has put her personal life on the backburner and now she has no plans to get married anytime soon. Even Kanav Puri is thinking of moving out of Ameesha's life after she has kept him in the waiting for long. Now, the two are headed for the big split and Ameesha once more has the title of 'single' before her name.

Source : glamsham

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